* I'm not a glory hound.....if you DO decide to use this, all I ask if, if you * have the time, email me and let me know...I would just like to see who'd use * something I came up with. in update.c: In local functions, add this at the bottom : void olcautosave args( ( void ) ); in the update_handler, add this : in if ( --pulse_area <= 0 ) add : olcautosave ( ); Then, somewhere near the bottom add this code : void olcautosave( void ) { AREA_DATA *pArea; DESCRIPTOR_DATA *d; char buf[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH]; /* if you're still adding areas manually, you may need to remove the next line - Chance */ save_area_list(); for ( d = descriptor_list; d != NULL; d = d->next ) { if ( d->editor) send_to_char( "OLC Autosaving:\n\r", d->character ); } sprintf( buf, "None.\n\r" ); for( pArea = area_first; pArea; pArea = pArea->next ) { /* Save changed areas. */ if ( IS_SET(pArea->area_flags, AREA_CHANGED) ) { save_area( pArea ); sprintf( buf, "%24s - '%s'", pArea->name, pArea->file_name ); for ( d = descriptor_list; d != NULL; d = d->next ) { if ( d->editor ) { send_to_char( buf, d->character ); send_to_char( "\n\r", d->character ); } } REMOVE_BIT( pArea->area_flags, AREA_CHANGED ); } } if ( !str_cmp( buf, "None.\n\r" ) ) { for ( d = descriptor_list; d != NULL; d = d->next ) { if ( d->editor ) send_to_char( buf, d->character ); } } return; }