As usual, all I ask is that you e-mail me letting me know that you're using this. This code uses Lope's color codes, so if you don't have them, just take out all the {R, {V, and {x 's that you see. Just subsitute this for the original do_wiznet in your act_wiz.c file. This is just a modified version of the original do_wiznet, borrowing from the do_channel code as well. Much nicer to use, IMHO. If you get some improvements to it, be sure to let me know. void do_wiznet( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument ) { int flag; char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; if ( argument[0] == '\0' ) /* Show wiznet options - just like channel command */ { send_to_char("{VWELCOME TO WIZNET!!!\n\r", ch); send_to_char(" Option Status\n\r",ch); send_to_char("---------------------\n\r",ch); /* list of all wiznet options */ buf[0] = '\0'; for (flag = 0; wiznet_table[flag].name != NULL; flag++) { if (wiznet_table[flag].level <= get_trust(ch)) { sprintf( buf, "%-14s %s\t", wiznet_table[flag].name, IS_SET(ch->wiznet,wiznet_table[flag].flag) ? "{RON{V" : "OFF" ); send_to_char(buf, ch); col++; if (col==3) { send_to_char("\n\r",ch); col=0; } } } /* To avoid color bleeding */ send_to_char("{x",ch); return; } if (!str_prefix(argument,"on")) { send_to_char("{VWelcome to Wiznet!{x\n\r",ch); SET_BIT(ch->wiznet,WIZ_ON); return; } if (!str_prefix(argument,"off")) { send_to_char("{VSigning off of Wiznet.{x\n\r",ch); REMOVE_BIT(ch->wiznet,WIZ_ON); return; } flag = wiznet_lookup(argument); if (flag == -1 || get_trust(ch) < wiznet_table[flag].level) { send_to_char("{VNo such option.{x\n\r",ch); return; } if (IS_SET(ch->wiznet,wiznet_table[flag].flag)) { sprintf(buf,"{VYou will no longer see %s on wiznet.{x\n\r", wiznet_table[flag].name); send_to_char(buf,ch); REMOVE_BIT(ch->wiznet,wiznet_table[flag].flag); return; } else { sprintf(buf,"{VYou will now see %s on wiznet.{x\n\r", wiznet_table[flag].name); send_to_char(buf,ch); SET_BIT(ch->wiznet,wiznet_table[flag].flag); return; } }