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Automated race/class web update function
by Nebseni of Clandestine
Each class offers a wide range of spell groups and skills.

Magespecializes in
the casting of spells, offensive ones in particular. Mages have the
highest-powered magic of any class. They are also very skilled at
the use of magical items, though their combat skills are the weakest
of any class. All mages begin with skill in the dagger. Any other
weapon skills must be purchased, at a very high rate. The default
skill selection for mages is as follows: skills: lore the lore of
magical items spell groups: beguiling spells that control the mind
combat offensive magics, such as fireball and chill touch detection
informational magics, such as detect magic and identify enhancement
spells that maximize physical potential, such as haste illusion
magics for concealing and deceiving maladictions a selection of
curses fit for any witch protective defensive magics, ranging from
armor to stone skin transporation spells for getting from here to
there weather spells for conjuring and mastering the elements  | Primary Statistic: Intelligence |  | Basic Skills: dagger, meditation |  | Default Skills and Spell Groups:
lore, beguiling, combat,
detection, enhancement,
illusion, maladictions,
protective, transportation,
weather |
Clericis defensively
orientated. Most of their spells focus on healing or defending the
faithful, with their few combat spells being far less powerful than
those of mages. However, clerics are the best class by far at
healing magics, and they posess an impressive range of protective
magics, as well as fair combat prowess. All clerics begin with skill
in the mace. Other weapon or shield skills must be purchased, many
at a very dear cost. The default skill selection for clerics is as
follows: skills: flail the proper use of flails spell groups: attack
a selection of offensive magics creation the making of physical
objects, such as food and water curative spells that cure the sick
and feeble of their ailments benedictions powerful magics that grant
the blessings of the gods detection informational magics, such as
detect magic and identify healing spells for treating wounds, from
scratches to death blows maladictions an assortment of curses
protective defensive magics, including the powerful sanctuary spell
transportation spells for getting from here to there weather spells
for conjuring and mastering the elements  | Primary Statistic:
Wisdom |  | Basic Skills: mace,
tithe |  | Default Skills and Spell Groups:
flail, attack, creation,
curative, benedictions,
detection, healing,
maladictions, protective, shield block,
transportation, weather |
Thiefis a mixture of
talents. They do few things better than other classes, but have a
wide range of skills available. Thieves are of course specialists at
thievery and covert actions, being capable of entering areas
undetected where more powerful adventurers would fear to tread. They
are better fighters than clerics, but lack the wide weapon selection
of warriors. All thieves begin with the dagger combat skill, and are
learned in steal as well. Any other weapon skills must be purchased,
unless the default selection is chosen. This default skill package
includes: skills: mace the use of maces and other blunt weapons
sword swordplay and fencing backstab the art of hitting your
opponent by surprise disarm used to deprive your opponent of his
weapon dodge the best way to take a punch is not to be there second
attack with training, the skilled thief can hit twice as fast trip a
good way to introduce an opponent to the floor hide the art of
remaining undetected in a room peek used to look into a person's
belongings pick lock a useful skill for breaking and entering sneak
with this skill, a thief can walk into a room undetected  | Primary Statistic: Dexterity |  | Basic Skills: dagger,
steal |  | Default Skills and Spell Groups: mace,
sword, backstab, disarm, dodge, second attack, trip, hide,
peek, pick lock,
sneak |
Warriorlives for
combat and the thrill of battle. They are the best fighters of all
the classes, but lack the subtle skills of thieves and the magical
talents of mages and priests. Warriors are best for those who prefer
taking the direct approach, even when another method might be called
for. Warriors begin with skill in the sword, and gain a second
attack in combat. Other weapon skills may be purchased cheaply, or
gained in the default skill package, which includes the following:
skills: weaponsmaster this group provides knowledge of all weapon
types shield block the art of parrying with a shield bash a forceful
rush with the body, designed to flatten your foes enhanced damage
this skill multiplies your damage in battle parry the art of
parrying with weapons rescue allows you to take the blows aimed for
a companion third attack allows the skilled warrior to land three
blows in one round  | Primary Statistic:
Strength |  | Basic Skills: sword, second attack |  | Default Skills and Spell Groups: weaponsmaster,
shield block, bash, disarm, enhanced damage, dodge, parry,
rescue, third
attack |
Ranger | Primary Statistic: Constitution |  | Basic Skills: sword, second attack |  | Default Skills and Spell Groups: weaponsmaster,
detection, shield
block, hunt, disarm, parry, dirt kicking,
dodge |
Paladin | Primary Statistic:
Strength |  | Basic Skills: sword, second attack |  | Default Skills and Spell Groups: weaponsmaster, shield block, enhanced damage, dodge, parry, third attack,
attack, healing, laying
hands |
Deathknight | Primary Statistic:
Strength |  | Basic Skills: sword, second attack |  | Default Skills and Spell Groups: weaponsmaster, shield block, enhanced damage, dodge, parry, dirt kicking, third attack,
attack, harmful |
Necromancers are
mages that have turned to the twisted arts of Necromancy, the art of
magically achieving some purpose by communication with the spirits
of the dead. They can use their knowledge and use of the dead to
either help or hurt (even kill) the living. Some say these students
of magic are evil and are a threat to all things... Living and dead.
Evil is not that easy to define!  | Primary Statistic: Intelligence |  | Basic Skills: whip, meditation |  | Default Skills and Spell Groups:
lore, detection, enhancement,
illusion, harmful,
maladictions, transportation,
necromancy, combat, disarm |
Druid | Primary Statistic: Intelligence |  | Basic Skills: spear, fast healing |  | Default Skills and Spell Groups:
lore, creation, curative,
detection, enhancement,
elemental, healing,
maladictions, protection, weather |
Psionicist | Primary Statistic:
Wisdom |  | Basic Skills: dagger, item scry, folk
scry |  | Default Skills and Spell Groups:
lore, beguiling, combat,
detection, illusion,
transportation, offensive, meditation, fast healing, hide, sneak, dodge,
room where |
