The Current
Clans in the Lands of the

: Seth
The Brotherhood is an order which evolved from the descendants of an
ancient clan known as The Fellowship of Mota. Originally the clan
was a group of warrior priests that protected the realm in the name
of their god Mota. So successful was the clan that its presence was
no longer essential and it eventually dwindled. Now a new order has
risen from the ashes of the old to again protect the realm. The new
order is closer than a Fellowship, it is The Brotherhood.
The clan is dedicated to honor, strength, fellowship and union. Honor
is foremost! We are helpful to all but fiercely devoted to the clan.
We feel that the opinion of all members of the clan should be considered when making clan decisions. Although composed of mostly
angelic classes a code of conduct allows for all classes, no matter
what their alignment.
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