Races on

race/class web update function ©1998 by Nebseni of Clandestine MUD
Mortal Races

Abborgare human, but
a secluded existence in the far north saw them develop many unique
characteristics. Originally hunters and gatherers, they now place
little value on gathering anything except weapons and equipment.
They make excellent warriors and the skills they learn from
childhood adapt well to the life of a thief. They prefer action to
intellect and seldom become clerics or master magic.
Affected by: detect magic, detect hidden, hide |
Skills: bash, hunt, second attack, fast
healing, lore |
Str |
Int |
Wis |
Dex |
Con |
Base |
16 |
16 |
16 |
16 |
16 |
Max |
23 |
23 |
23 |
23 |
| |
Immune to: disease
Resistant to: charm, magic, fire |
Vulnerable to: cold
| |

Arielare descendant
from the large birds of long ago. They are roughly the same height
as the average human, but of a much slighter build. Like humans,
their colourings vary. They can almost tuck their wings out of sight
and pass as human to the casual observer. It is rare for any of the
land bound races to visit the Ariel eyries, hidden as they are in
almost inaccessible mountains. During the cataclysm, their ability
to travel great distances without tiring allowed them to spread word
of the sanctuary at St Helens. |
Affected by: detect hidden, flying, haste |
Skills: hunt, lore, peek
Str |
Int |
Wis |
Dex |
Con |
Base |
15 |
17 |
13 |
13 |
17 |
Max |
21 |
25 |
25 |
19 |
| |
Immune to: cold
Resistant to: summon
Vulnerable to: lightning, drowning | |

Asgardianare an
ancient race once thought to be mythical. They are descendants of
the famous guardian of the Gods. The very presence of an Asgardian
warrior has been known to turn the tide of a battle, striking fear
into all opponents intelligent enough to know fear. After the
Cataclysm, their duty to the Gods was fulfilled and they were again
free. They were one of the races that re-emerged into the lands. |
Affected by: detect magic, detect hidden,
sanctuary |
Skills: bash, hunt, second attack, fast healing
Str |
Int |
Wis |
Dex |
Con |
Base |
17 |
17 |
17 |
17 |
17 |
Max |
25 |
25 |
25 |
25 |
| |
Immune to: poison
Resistant to: charm, magic
Vulnerable to: no vulnerabilities. | |

descendants of folk that were once human. They were transformed by
the Gods when Atlantis sank and now bear little resemblance to their
far distant ancestors. They are an almost liquid life form. |
Affected by: sanctuary, pass door, haste |
Skills: hunt, hide |
Str |
Int |
Wis |
Dex |
Con |
Base |
16 |
17 |
17 |
16 |
17 |
Max |
24 |
25 |
25 |
24 |
| |
Immune to: charm, cold, disease |
Resistant to: magic
Vulnerable to: fire, acid
| |

Centaurare a powerful
tauroid race. The torso of a human atop the body of a horse gives
them the advantage of four legs and two arms. They are reputed to be
bad tempered and not very clever. They foster these misconceptions
to their own advantage. Whilst they are awesome fighters, they lack
a true understanding of the nature of their opponents and are not
therefore great tactical fighters. They tend to rely on brute force
when battle is engaged. They do however have a strong empathic link
with the forest world of their choice which they prefer to the towns
of the Lands. They make excellent rangers.
Affected by: detect invis, detect hidden,
sanctuary, haste |
Skills: bash, hunt, second attack, kick |
Str |
Int |
Wis |
Dex |
Con |
Base |
14 |
14 |
16 |
14 |
16 |
Max |
23 |
22 |
25 |
22 |
| |
Immune to: cold
Resistant to: no resistances. |
Vulnerable to: fire
| |

Dragonare not the
Dragons of legend. They worship the greater Dragons and their
devotion has changed them physically. It is believed that they were
once elven and their life span supports this theory. Their skin has
a hard chitinous layer like the scales of a dragon and leathery
wings unfurl from their shoulder blades. They are a solitary race.
Their home is hidden in Dragonslair mountain where the greater
Dragons protect these young changelings, waiting for them to fulfil
their destiny and emerge into a full awareness as Dragons. They are
excellent magic users and fierce warriors.
Affected by: detect invis, infrared, flying |
Skills: berserk, lore, fast healing |
Str |
Int |
Wis |
Dex |
Con |
Base |
15 |
15 |
15 |
15 |
15 |
Max |
25 |
25 |
25 |
25 |
| |
Immune to: no immunities.
Resistant to: charm, blunt, fire |
Vulnerable to: piercing, cold | |

Driderare a giant
arachnid race. Their grotesque appearance makes most other races
give them a wide berth. The giant bulbous body looks awkward but
they are extremely agile on their many legs. They have adapted to a
humanoid form with two of the legs now specialised as forearms and
hands. The regugnance that they sense from most races makes them
shun the daylight. They make excellent thieves and have a natural
fascination with the dark forces. When they follow this path they
excel as DeathKnights and Necromancers. |
Affected by: detect invis, infrared, hide |
Skills: berserk, lore, second attack |
Str |
Int |
Wis |
Dex |
Con |
Base |
14 |
16 |
16 |
14 |
15 |
Max |
25 |
24 |
25 |
25 |
| |
Immune to: poison
Resistant to: no resistances. |
Vulnerable to: no vulnerabilities. | |

Drowonce happily
shared the surface world with their cousins, the surface elves,
prancing and frolicking in the light of the sun. Then came the great
Elven Wars resulting in the Drow being driven deep underground. They
were nearly lost, then they found solace under the shadow of the
evil deity, the Spider Queen Lloth. Now totally devoted to her
teachings, the Drow live their evil lives underground. Adept
necromancers and mages, Drow also move silently and make good
thieves. |
Affected by: sneak, dark vision
Skills: hide |
Str |
Int |
Wis |
Dex |
Con |
Base |
12 |
14 |
13 |
15 |
11 |
Max |
16 |
20 |
18 |
21 |
| |
Immune to: no immunities.
Resistant to: charm
Vulnerable to: light, iron
| |

Darklingare the
product of dark evil experiments by the Master. In drawing the
essences of life from poor unfortunates who fell into his clutches,
the Master inadvertently created an evil twisted race that preys
without conscience on the weak. Since they were created by torture
and experiment, there is great diversity in their outward
appearance. The one constant characteristic is their apparent lack
of visceral organs. They eat food with difficulty and feed by
preference on the fear they engender in others. They thirst for
blood and live to kill. |
Affected by: prot good, berserk, dark vision |
Skills: None. |
Str |
Int |
Wis |
Dex |
Con |
Base |
13 |
13 |
13 |
13 |
13 |
Max |
18 |
18 |
18 |
18 |
| |
Immune to: no immunities.
Resistant to: no resistances. |
Vulnerable to: mental
| |

Duergarare a race of
dark dwarves who live underground. They are similar to their surface
cousins but no longer work in stone and metal. Whilst they are still
a strong and robust race, they are less strong for their time
undergound and their skin is now ebony in colour. They are however
very dexterous as a result of centuries of thieving and deceit. They
are not tall, standing only about shoulder height to the average
human and they are by nature evil. |
Affected by: infrared, prot good
Skills: berserk |
Str |
Int |
Wis |
Dex |
Con |
Base |
14 |
12 |
14 |
10 |
15 |
Max |
23 |
16 |
18 |
21 |
| |
Immune to: no immunities.
Resistant to: poison, disease |
Vulnerable to: drowning
| |

Dwarfis a short
stocky demi-human. They are infamous for their foul tempers and
great stamina. Dwarves have high strength and constitution but poor
dexterity. They are not quick learners but are usually wise due to
their long lifespans. They are excellent fighters and priests their
stubborness and strength of character means that they often find the
powers in themselves and become psionicists.
Affected by: infrared
Skills: berserk |
Str |
Int |
Wis |
Dex |
Con |
Base |
14 |
12 |
14 |
10 |
15 |
Max |
20 |
16 |
19 |
14 |
| |
Immune to: no immunities.
Resistant to: poison, disease |
Vulnerable to: drowning
| |

Efreetiare reputed to
be descendants of the genies of legend, however they long ago lost
the power to grant wishes. They are fervent followers of the God of
Chaos in the hope that one day he will return their lost powers.
Meanwhile, they are branded as liars and fakes if any mention is
made of their ancestry. They are therefore suspicious and
distrusting of strangers and many have taken successfully to the
thief class. Since the forgotten powers of the genie go beyond
magic, many excel as psionicists. Others seek their lost heritage as
necromancers or mages. |
Affected by: detect invis, detect magic,
infrared |
Skills: sneak, hide, peek, steal
Str |
Int |
Wis |
Dex |
Con |
Base |
21 |
21 |
18 |
18 |
18 |
Max |
25 |
25 |
25 |
25 |
| |
Immune to: no immunities.
Resistant to: poison
Vulnerable to: cold
| |

Elfis slightly taller
than average human and has a lighter build. They lack the strength
and stamina of some of the other races, but are very agile in body
and mind. Elves have a long history in the lands of Elusive and many
different races appeared after the cataclysm. Some of these ancient
long-lived races of Elves are really elves transformed to higher
state of being by experience and knowledge and the cleansing process
of re-morting. |
Affected by: infrared
Skills: sneak, hide |
Str |
Int |
Wis |
Dex |
Con |
Base |
12 |
14 |
13 |
15 |
11 |
Max |
16 |
20 |
18 |
21 |
| |
Immune to: no immunities.
Resistant to: charm
Vulnerable to: iron
| |

Elysianare a powerful
and arrogant race who are strangers to the Dream. Little is known of
their origins save for a crytpic word they use - Clandestine. They
offended their Gods with their arrogance and were cursed to
perpetual sleep. They escaped the curse by riding the silver
pathways of the dream to these Lands. They understand the power of
the waking dream and are devoted to the Silver Lady since they fear
the loss of their refuge if she should awaken. They are not
restricted by a false morality and are excellent necromancers and
mages. They have an affinity for the land with allows them to become
excellent rangers. |
Affected by: detect invis, detect magic,
infrared, haste |
Skills: sneak, hide |
Str |
Int |
Wis |
Dex |
Con |
Base |
16 |
17 |
17 |
19 |
20 |
Max |
25 |
25 |
25 |
25 |
| |
Immune to: no immunities.
Resistant to: magic, fire
Vulnerable to: poison, disease | |

Felpurare a race of
large cats magically given limited sentience to serve in the temples
of the Gods. It was the cataclysm itself that freed them, bringing
them to full sentiency. Their long silken coats were still covetted
for their beauty and warmth and in the first years of turmoil they
were almost hunted to extinction. They soon learned to use their
long sharp claws to defend themselves. They make excellent
necromancers and mages and many turn their natural stealth skills to
the life of a thief. |
Affected by: detect invis, detect magic, dark
vision |
Skills: sneak, hide |
Str |
Int |
Wis |
Dex |
Con |
Base |
17 |
16 |
14 |
17 |
16 |
Max |
25 |
24 |
22 |
25 |
| |
Immune to: none
Resistant to: cold
Vulnerable to: drowning
| |

Gianttowers over most
races, usually standing 9-12 feet in height. They are very strong
and durable. Giants are not noted for their clear thinking and logic
and their sheer size tends to make them clumsy. They are however
formidable warriors. After the cataclysm, a diversity of giants
began to appear in the lands, however many of these races are the
result of giants moving to the next plane of existance through the
cleansing process of remorting. They do not learn magic easily but
can harness the natural forces both within themselves and the lands.
They make excellent psionicists. |
Affected by: no permanent affects. |
Skills: bash, fast healing
Str |
Int |
Wis |
Dex |
Con |
Base |
16 |
11 |
13 |
11 |
14 |
Max |
22 |
15 |
18 |
15 |
| |
Immune to: no immunities.
Resistant to: fire, cold
Vulnerable to: lightning, mental | |

Gnomeis a cousin to
the Dwarves. They are about the same height as Dwarves but are
considerably slimmer. Even before the cataclysm, a tribe of Dwarves
left their ancient homes and made its home on the surface. Over the
centuries this tribe changed becoming less dependant on muscles and
more on their minds. The natural skills of the Dwarves were refined
beyond plain metallurgy or mining and the gnomes developed a love of
machinery. Gnomes are cunning and inventive, always thinking up
plots and trying to devise more efficient ways to do things. Gnomes
make good Mages and Thieves though their methods of stealing often
go beyond mere pickpocketing since the plot is often more important
than the profit. |
Affected by: infrared
Skills: lore |
Str |
Int |
Wis |
Dex |
Con |
Base |
12 |
12 |
14 |
14 |
15 |
Max |
18 |
23 |
20 |
23 |
| |
Immune to: no immunities.
Resistant to: magic, poison, disease |
Vulnerable to: no vulnerabilities. | |

Goblinstands about
five feet tall, has pale green or grey skin and is almost always
smiling with a white, sharp-toothed grin. Save for the fine,
luxuriant hair on their heads they have little or no body hair. Its
difficult to tell what a goblin is thinking and behind that smile
they are just as likely to be eyeing you like a side of meat. They
have a disarming charm though. Goblins are thin and wiry, small and
compact but very tough for their size. Goblins are fond of
bartering, and will sit for hours to haggle down the price of a loaf
of bread by one coin. They are intelligent, and exceedingly agile.
They are especially well-suited to be Thieves but also make good
Mages. |
Affected by: infrared
Skills: haggle, sneak, lore
Str |
Int |
Wis |
Dex |
Con |
Base |
10 |
14 |
14 |
16 |
14 |
Max |
15 |
23 |
20 |
25 |
| |
Immune to: no immunities.
Resistant to: disease
Vulnerable to: magic
| |

Halflingare a shy,
reclusive folk. Physically, they average around 3 ft high, about
half the height of a human (hence the name). Surprisingly, they are
tough and incredibly agile -- and deceptively quick. They are fond
of good company and good drink, and are very soft-hearted. But when
a Halfling is cornered, or home (or food and drink!) is threatened,
they will fight with a ferocity that would startle any but the most
seasoned of adventurers. Halflings do not take well to magic, and it
is rare to find a Halfling who can demonstrate magical powers of any
sort. They make excellent Thieves, due to their innate agility and
stealth. |
Affected by: pass door
Skills: sneak, hide |
Str |
Int |
Wis |
Dex |
Con |
Base |
11 |
14 |
12 |
15 |
13 |
Max |
15 |
20 |
16 |
21 |
| |
Immune to: no immunities.
Resistant to: poison, disease |
Vulnerable to: no vulnerabilities. | |

Hobgoblinresembles a
tall slender elf. Up closer though, their smile turns out to be a
grimace of sharp white pointed teeth. They have a ravenous hunger
for newborn flesh and those sharp teeth and their long claws make
short work of any tasty morsels they manage to snatch. They are
extremely well-adapted to life as a thief.
Affected by: infrared, haste
Skills: sneak, hide, backstab
Str |
Int |
Wis |
Dex |
Con |
Base |
18 |
18 |
18 |
18 |
18 |
Max |
24 |
24 |
24 |
24 |
| |
Immune to: no immunities.
Resistant to: poison, disease |
Vulnerable to: no vulnerabilities. | |

Human-- a race that
for many years lived under the happy delusion that they were the
only race in the lands. On the few occasions that they did interact
with other races, they managed to convince themselves that it was
imagination, delusion or even luck that caused the unusual results.
The Cataclysm however, shattered the illusion and humans were no
longer under the delusion that they alone were the sentient race,
overlord in the lands. The the pain of the cataclysm and the power
of the dream did alter their perceptions enough so that they moved
into the true plane of existance in Elusive. Their major asset is
their ability to adapt. They do equally well in any class. Human
males average just under six feet tall, and females about five and a
half. |
Affected by: no permanent affects. |
Skills: None. |
Str |
Int |
Wis |
Dex |
Con |
Base |
13 |
13 |
13 |
13 |
13 |
Max |
18 |
18 |
18 |
18 |
| |
Immune to: no immunities.
Resistant to: no resistances. |
Vulnerable to: no vulnerabilities. | |

Kanglook like a cross
between a snake and a lizard. They stand on two feet and have the
intelligence and natural instincts of a true predator. They are a
mysterious folk, living deep in secluded swamps and jungles and are
rarely seen in major centres of population. Kang are tall, some
nearing seven feet in height, and are well muscled. They are covered
in a scaly skin, the color varying for each individual. They have a
strange loping walk, and are not very flexible, despite their
sinuous snake like appearance. Kang are brought up under an ethos of
Peace and Healing, and many vow to extinguish evil in the world.
They are fierce fighters, well suited as Clerics, Warriors and
Psionicists. |
Affected by: detect invis, infrared |
Skills: berserk |
Str |
Int |
Wis |
Dex |
Con |
Base |
14 |
12 |
14 |
10 |
15 |
Max |
25 |
15 |
23 |
15 |
| |
Immune to: poison
Resistant to: blunt, fire
Vulnerable to: cold
| |

Kenderare a
mischievous lovable race that despite their traditional topknot and
love of strange and exotic weapons, manage to blend into the scenery
on most occasions. They are so much a part of the scenery in fact
that they tend to carry most of it away with them. Others call it
stealing, but Kender vehemently deny any intention to deprive the
owner of their goods. Items just fall into their bags. They tend to
be loners yet love company. Its just that not many can cope with
their light-fingered nature for long. They make excellent thieves. |
Affected by: pass door
Skills: steal, sneak, pick lock
Str |
Int |
Wis |
Dex |
Con |
Base |
13 |
15 |
11 |
16 |
14 |
Max |
18 |
19 |
16 |
21 |
| |
Immune to: no immunities.
Resistant to: disease
Vulnerable to: blunt
| |

Orc- Once elves, they
were bred and twisted and corrupted from tortured Elves. Orcs are
now almost everything the Elves are not. They are foul and unlovely
and are cruel haters of all life. They do not have the grace of the
elves, instead having squinty eyes, pronounced canines and coarse
hair. They are renowned for their bad tempers and have a homicidal
hatred for other races. They are tough as nails love the ceremony
and rituals associated with the dark gods and therefore can make
excellent clerics. They are also fierce warriors.
Affected by: infrared
Skills: berserk |
Str |
Int |
Wis |
Dex |
Con |
Base |
14 |
12 |
13 |
11 |
15 |
Max |
20 |
16 |
18 |
15 |
| |
Immune to: no immunities.
Resistant to: disease
Vulnerable to: light
| |

Pixieis a small
winged creature, born of the magical spirit of nature. They are
self-appointed guardians of the forests of the lands. Although alone
a pixie is not a very formidable foe, only the foolhardy would
attack one since their very essence is formed from magic and they
are a fiercely loyal people. To harm one pixie is to risk punishment
by a horde of angry pixies. They are perfectly suited to be druids
and also any calling that requires mastery of magic. It is very rare
for a pixie to follow any path associated with warriors or fighting.
Affected by: detect magic, infrared, flying |
Skills: None. |
Str |
Int |
Wis |
Dex |
Con |
Base |
10 |
15 |
15 |
15 |
10 |
Max |
18 |
25 |
25 |
23 |
| |
Immune to: no immunities.
Resistant to: charm, mental |
Vulnerable to: iron
| |

tiny wingless pixies. Their origins are unknown although it is
believed that whereas pixies are born of the magical spirit of
nature, quickling are a born of the elements themselves. They move
like the wind and strike like lightning. In fact, the victim is left
struggling to explain just why their purse is lighter than it was a
moment ago. To catch a Quickling in the act is like trying to catch
lightning itself. They normally keep a horde of stolen goods from
other races. They are popular spies and their tiny bodies and quick
fingers also make them more than capable thieves.
Affected by: detect invis, pass door, haste |
Skills: hide, sneak, haggle
Str |
Int |
Wis |
Dex |
Con |
Base |
12 |
13 |
13 |
21 |
12 |
Max |
18 |
19 |
19 |
25 |
| |
Immune to: charm, lightning |
Resistant to: disease
Vulnerable to: fire
| |

Sprigganlook like
large insects. They have small antennae and multi- faceted mirrored
eyes that make it impossible to tell where they are looking. They
are covered in a tough leathery skin and are born with wings but
lose these as they reach maturity. They originate in the grassland
regions and several home creches dot the landscape there. Spriggan
leave the creches as they reach maturity and become nomad wanderers.
Polite and diplomatic they have a reputation for impartiality that
makes them popular choices as mediators and judges. Many don the
robes of the cleric. |
Affected by: pass door
Skills: meditation, sneak, fast healing |
Str |
Int |
Wis |
Dex |
Con |
Base |
16 |
20 |
20 |
16 |
16 |
Max |
24 |
25 |
25 |
24 |
| |
Immune to: no immunities.
Resistant to: blunt, cold, poison,
disease |
Vulnerable to: fire
| |

Spriteare cousins of
the faeries and lephrechauns and are mischievous beings. Their
malicious pranks have often ended the lives of those who made
themselves targets of their wrath. Their innocent appearance and
soft laugh belie their true nature as tricksters and schemers. They
make excellent thieves or necromancers. |
Affected by: detect invis, detect hidden,
flying, haste |
Skills: hide, sneak, fast healing, haggle |
Str |
Int |
Wis |
Dex |
Con |
Base |
14 |
22 |
22 |
21 |
16 |
Max |
25 |
25 |
25 |
25 |
| |
Immune to: no immunities.
Resistant to: fire, cold, poison |
Vulnerable to: blunt
| |

Svirfnebliare also
known as deep gnomes. They tend to be very pale, with skin colors
ranging from light gray to pale white. They are larger and taller
than their surface cousins. Their centuries of working with stone
has made them strong with great endurance. Their total dedication to
stone has limited their mental agility so that it is doubtful they
have achieved their full potential. They are regarded as very wise
and prefer to remain neutral in all aspects of their lives. They are
adept at learning the powers of items. The maverick instinct that
brings these wanderers to the surface lands also makes them good
rangers. Those that do not settle well on the surface usually turn
to the life of a thief. |
Affected by: detect invis, infrared |
Skills: lore |
Str |
Int |
Wis |
Dex |
Con |
Base |
14 |
8 |
14 |
14 |
15 |
Max |
20 |
19 |
20 |
23 |
| |
Immune to: no immunities.
Resistant to: magic, poison, disease |
Vulnerable to: no vulnerabilities. | |

Treantis the
manifestation of the life force of the forest and it inhabits and
"awakens" a tree. The life force that joins with a tree to form a
Treant picks the largest healthiest example of any species. They are
incredibly long lived. They tend to do things slowly with careful
intent and they will journey deep into the forest to contemplate an
important decision. To a Treant, the perfect forest is one in which
the natural cycles are free to continue uninterrupted. Treants, from
time to time, enter a state of dormancy, that can last from as
little as a few days, to as much as many years. As Treants age,
these dormancy periods increase in frequency and length. They make
excellent rangers and druids |
Affected by: detect hidden, sanctuary |
Skills: second attack, meditation |
Str |
Int |
Wis |
Dex |
Con |
Base |
14 |
16 |
15 |
11 |
19 |
Max |
20 |
20 |
20 |
15 |
| |
Immune to: no immunities.
Resistant to: cold
Vulnerable to: fire, lightning | |
