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Races on

Remort RacesThere is the opportunity to remort more
then once. Some of the Races in the Dream have evolved to such an advanced
state that remorting within the Race line allows you to reach the top remort
level of 15. You are not limited in your choice to the race line you have
been following. If your knowledge and power is sufficient (level 100) you
can choose any race from your current remort state or any earlier remort state.
You will find that particular race lines are better suited to
particular classes, allowing you to become a true master in a chosen
class. Since role play is highly encouraged, maintaining a racial identity
as you increase in power allows you to fully develop your character.
It is not mandatory though. You are free to mould your
character in any way you choose and your previous choices DO NOT restrict your
choices of classes or race when you remort.
The number in backets is the
reincarnation at which a race becomes available for selection
Remort Races

AvianAvailable on reincarnation number 3are powerful winged beings who served as
messengers, guards, and airborne spies for centuries. They are very
sociable however they carry themselves with a nobility that leaves
others in awe of their majestic presence. From the lofty heights to
which they soar, they can survey the actions of the lesser races.
They cannot resist collecting any shiny baubles they see glinting
below however. They make excellent
thieves. |
Affected by: sanctuary, infrared, flying, pass
door, fire shield, ice shield, shock
shield |
Skills: meditation, fast healing, second
attack, lore |
| Str | Int | Wis | Dex | Con | Base | 29 | 30 | 26 | 25 | 23 | Max | 55 | 51 | 53 | 54 | 58 | |
Immune to: fire,
cold |
Resistant to: acid, negative, disease |
Vulnerable to: no vulnerabilities. | | 
Available on reincarnation number 1are Maiar, or primeval spirits, that the
Dark Lord seduced to his service. They assume a physical form that
is powerful and dreadful to behold. The word Balrog means Demon of
Might". Balrogs usually take on a human-shape, although much larger.
They have a mane wreathed in flame. They are at home in the
Darkness. They are extremely versatile and dangerous and can master
any class. |
Affected by: sanctuary, flying, pass door, fire
shield |
Skills: meditation, fast healing, hunt, second
attack |
| Str | Int | Wis | Dex | Con | Base | 22 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 22 | Max | 35 | 35 | 35 | 35 | 35 | |
Immune to: fire,
disease |
Resistant to:
lightning |
Vulnerable to: no vulnerabilities. | | 
Available on reincarnation number 4are sandmen. They are not a carbon-based
lifeform, therefore their thinking is a little different to most of
the other races. Until the cataclysm they looked with disdain on
most of the other races and had little tolerance. However the the
years have mellowed them. Now they are a very spiritual, but still
somewhat agressive people. They make excellent clerics and their
spiritual links with the earth itself allows them to become
excellent rangers and druids. |
Affected by: detect hidden, sanctuary,
infrared, pass door, fire shield, ice shield, shock shield, acid
shield |
Skills: fast healing, second attack, hunt,
meditation |
| Str | Int | Wis | Dex | Con | Base | 35 | 36 | 33 | 31 | 39 | Max | 63 | 60 | 58 | 55 | 65 | |
Immune to: cold,
drowning |
Resistant to: fire, lightning, disease |
Vulnerable to:
negative | |
